Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bringing Closure to ITEC 830

It's been a while since I've blogged, mostly due to the intense effort I've been putting towards finishing my 894 culminating experience work. The semester has flown by, especially the past month.

Our focus in 830 has been on developing and designing our group project, which I feel will be a great resource for future 830ers and anyone who is interested in learning more about Web 2.0 and some of its specific technologies. Our group has worked well together, dividing work between us based on individual interests and expertise.

Our final product is in the form of a Wiki, so that future students can continue to edit and add to the ever-growing world that is Web 2.0. Each of us took on the challenge of researching and detailing the most relevant information on a given technology, and created a learning scenario for users to participate in.

I've enjoyed this class, although it wasn't exactly what I had expected it to be when I signed up. I feel confident and very knowledgeable about Web 2.0, and enjoy the fact that I am comfortable with such prevalent technology.

To each of my classmates, thank you for contributing to my knowledge through your presentations, and for keeping the class light and fun. To my final project team, I enjoyed working with each of you and feel proud of the product we've generated. And to Dr. Foreman, I enjoy your enthusiasm and feel like this class has given me a strong foundation for Web 2.0 technologies.

So now I graduate...I'm excited and a bit sad all at once. Being back in school over the past two years has been an incredible experience, and I will be a bit sad to end this experience. At the same time, I am excited to be back into the work force, and to put my knowledge into action...

Keep in touch, my friends...
